O protagonista do livro, o jovem islandês Josh, inscreveu-se para desenvolver uma tese de doutorado na Universidade Victoria localizada na Nova Zelândia, em Wellington, uma das...
"Com uma energia equiparável à de uma criança de colo e uma boca mais suja do que um bueiro, Hazel geralmente intimida e assusta qualquer homem à sua volta, a ponto de eles...
Talks of culture and news and irrelevant things that have almost nothing to do with your lives... almost....
Jane Austens tongue in cheek Coming of Age story, Northanger Abbey tells the story of Catherine Moorland and her first entry into society at Bath, and then of her time in the...
Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock. Published in 1818, Peacock’s novella Nightmare Abbey is a gentle satire of the then-popular gothic movement in literature. He pokes...
Catherine Morland, aged seventeen, is addicted to reading Gothic novels. She joins her wealthier neighbours on a trip to Bath to partake in the winter season of balls, and finds...
A morose widower, Mr Glowry lives with his only son Scythrop in his semi-dilapidated family mansion Nightmare Abbey, which is situated on a strip of dry land between the sea and...
Abbey Arts is a nonprofit curating welcoming arts & cultural experiences for people of all ages & incomes.Unique recordings from live concerts in Seattle, WA.
In the tradition of the spiritual classics The Shack and The Screwtape Letters comes a captivating and poignant debut novel from the revered Jesuit priest and New York Times...
Have you ever wanted to listen to two guys named Josh answer questions you sent in? Well this is your chance! Send in your questions and you'll be part of the show. Good on you.