Kristy hates dolphins, fluorescent lighting, most fruit and the 2013 coming-of-age film "The Spectacular Now." Mostly, she hates writing podcast descriptions. Listen to 45 minutes...
Este livro se propõe a pesquisar o conceito de imagem-cristal em algumas manifestações de possíveis tendências e "texturas" permeáveis entre alguns planos no cinema, na...
Pasca tenait de sa mère cette prédilection pour le vieil oratoire. Angiolina Neraldi venait aussi, étant jeune fille, travailler et rêver au milieu des...
Step into your greatest truth. Your intuition is a birthright.
The Kevin Gill Show is YOUR PMA Power Hour! Each episode contains interviews and insight from people who are POSITIVE, people who are MENTAL, and people who have ATTITUDE....
Whats between what we say we want and what we have is fear. The way we move past fear is by taking risks. Risk everyday and watch your life transform. This podcast is to inspire...