We examine business, sociopolitical and economic empowerment methods to increase Black ownership in various platforms.
The NES Portal delivers online course bookings, distance and eLearning to health professionals, alongside Dental Vocational Training Recruitment in Scotland. Please also look at...
The latest feed from Triumphant Publications Ministries on SermonAudio.com.
Sport Life: Treino, alimentação, saúde e superação! Confira os destaques principais da edição
A short weekly podcast on federal civil service law narrated by Peter Broida. Each week Peter discusses several new cases from the MSPB, FLRA, their reviewing courts, and...
Paths of Life is a fictional novel with philosophical and existentialist features and shelf-help nuances.It is the story of a poor fatherless girl who comes from the interior of...
Life by Faith is one important bible study about the faith in Jesus Christ.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about faith, and invite him to live with greater intimacy...