A comedy chat show for less-than-perfect parents. Hosted by comedians Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn and featuring guest parenting experts, comedians and authors. The podcast covers...
Welcome! This is Anonymous by Arisa, an ex cabin crew and a freelance programmer living in Germany. Any interests about programming, frontend, full stack, freelance in Germany and...
Neste livro, o autor analisa o coletivo Anonymous e sua atuação no ciberespaço, e entrega uma análise reveladora que oferece insights essenciais sobre a dinâmica entre...
For many, the podcast revolution came some years ago, for me, it has been a recent exploration. While I absolutely love the podcasts I am listening to I often think what advice...
A weekly podcast by two friends who LOVE TELEVISION.Listen to our take on the best and worst of television,pop culture,film and most importantly fangirling
This podcast offers a comedic spin in regards to sports topics from the local level all the way up to the professional ranks.
Comedic meanderings of three or four anonymous fellows about pop culture, relationships, politics, tails of their youth, and the day to day. https://twitter.com/TrioAnonymous