A comedy chat show for less-than-perfect parents. Hosted by comedians Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn and featuring guest parenting experts, comedians and authors. The podcast covers...
Welcome! This is Anonymous by Arisa, an ex cabin crew and a freelance programmer living in Germany. Any interests about programming, frontend, full stack, freelance in Germany and...
Neste livro, o autor analisa o coletivo Anonymous e sua atuação no ciberespaço, e entrega uma análise reveladora que oferece insights essenciais sobre a dinâmica entre...
Welcome to 'Nerds Anonymous'! A Podcast about all things nerdy! Hosts Corey and Kyla, each week, share their "Nerd-ness" to the 'Nerds Anonymous' podcast. Trailer of the week,...
Welcome to the Thinkoholic's Anonymous Podcast! The idea is to learn by having conversations with experts and professors from a variety of different fields, such as biologists,...
I've struggled with emotional problems, addictions and codependency, and there's been a lot of improvement for me. Part of my continued healing is that I share with others the...
KidLit Anonymous is a podcast for adults who love children's literature. Curious about that new Middle Grade book, but worried it might be too predictable? Not pack an emotional...