On March 13, the cardinals of the Catholic Church, gathered to elect a successor to a living Pope for the first time in 600 years, announced a dramatic shift. By elevating...
Weekly catechesis by Pope Francis, following on from Benedict XVI in this Year of Faith (Annus Fidei). Read here in English. Papa Francisco's words (in the original Italian) are...
Destinada aos amantes da cultura pop, do movimento contracultural e dos aficionados por Francis Schaeffer, esta interessante obra enfoca principalmente o período de 1967 a 1969,...
Francis Schaeffer foi um dos mais influentes apologetas do século 20. Por meio de sua fala, escrita e cinema, Schaeffer transformou com sucesso o modo como as pessoas pensavam na...
On March 13, 2013, the world waited in hushed anticipation for the announcement of the new successor of Peter and leader of the Roman Catholic Church. For weeks the news had been...
Listen to all of Pope Francis' Homilies and Addresses from WYD2016.
Tim, Jennifer and Ben try to imagine a world where the Pope is very Young. Weekly, they will chat about each new episode of Young Pope for your enjoyment.