Bahar en ve Aykan Raitolu'nun geleneksel ve çat?rdayan i hayat?nda yöneticilerin ve çal?anlar?n kabul edilemez davran?lar?n? yakla?mlar?n? ve bunlara dair çözümleri masaya...
Completely random podcast, part of Jack Sh*t Media. I'll always give it to you straight!
Oscar-winning filmmaker Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours) discusses his new film at the Apple Store, Regent Street in London. Co-written by Oscar-nominated long term...
Mantras e Afirmações são sílabas ou frases que, quando repetidas continuamente, podem energizá-lo, auxiliando na concretização de seus desejos e ambições. Para todos...
Join Oscar-winning filmmaker Danny Boyle ("Slumdog Millionaire," "127 Hours") as he discusses his new thriller, "Trance." The story follows a fine art auctioneer who gets mixed up...
This is not a manual of instruction for orchid growers; though there are many hints on cultivation, and a few paragraphs on how to hybridize. The author is just an enthusiastic...
Dr Terry Boyle sheds practical light on the Bible and will help you understand and apply God's Word in your everyday life. Insight for Living UK - Communicating Biblical Truth and...
Este livro é a resposta exata para as pessoas que se sentem acuadas quando o assunto é Álgebra de Boole, com todas aquelas equações Booleanas que amedrontam ao ponto de...