Este livro conta com quatros textos teatrais inéditos escritos por Sidney Guedes que é ator, diretor, dramaturgo, além de Pedagogo, com especialização em Docência do Ensino...
Sunday Sermons at "My Light On the Hill," Sidney Lutheran Brethren Church, Sidney, Montana.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldon’s most popular and enduring heroine—Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes and Sidney Sheldon’s Chasing...
A revolução digital é um marco transformador para as profissões que atuam na área da saúde. Cabe a nós conduzir essa revolução em prol dos pacientes, médicos,...
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldon's most popular and enduring heroine—Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes—returns in a sensational sequel full of...
The poems of Sidney Lanier continue to find an admiring audience more than a century after his death. Though his poetry evokes both the landscape and the romantic spirit of the...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of My Springs by Sidney Lanier. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 7th, 2013. This rather lovely poem is the poets...
From children's radio station Fun Kids: the wacky inventor Sir Sidney McSprocket is looking at the very best inventions of all time!