Doctor Thorne begins to establish a medical practice, while Henry seduces Mary Scatcherd, the sister of stonemason Roger Scatcherd. When Scatcherd finds out that Mary has become...
"Doctor Thorne" is the third of Trollope's Barsetshire novels and unlike some of the others has little to do with politics and religion. The plot revolves around Mary Thorne, an...
Tracy Brinkmann is an goal setting and success coach. Through his company Success Atlas, he provides goal-setting, motivational / educational material & training via live...
This will be a place to listen to inspiring artist and creative types, discuss their passion, life as an entrepreneur and overall finding happiness in the things you love doing.
Are you done being afraid to jump into the life that is waiting for you? Are you ready for a real shift? Tune-in every Tuesday to the show and Tracy L will teach you how to...