Die SWR3-Comedians Andreas Müller und Kemal Goga produzieren täglich neue Folgen der Wortverdreher-Comedy Tuten Gag. Hier könnt ihr euch die Gags direkt für MP3-Player,...
Dr. Oliver Ratajczak rund um Kundenbindung, Kommunikation, Marketing, Vertrieb, Zusammenarbeit, Collaboration, Kundenorientierung, Beschwerdemanagement, Digitale Transformation,...
Podcast Co-hosted by Marianne and Kelsey, where we talk about two of our favorite trailers every other week!
Turn Up the Night with Kenny Pick is LIVE every Tuesday & Friday from 7-10PM ET on Indie Media Weekly. http://indiemediaweekly.com/turn-up-the-night/ Come visit us in the chat...
Join me in my INTERACTIVE online "Business Lounge" to discover proven small business boosting techniques I've used and learned about over 20 years.
Hello and welcome to the place where I'll mainly be sharing practical insights into helping children read and build literacy confidence through poetry and Hip Hop. I'm a...
Gewisse Chefetagen und Arbeitnehmer haben noch nicht verstanden, dass optimaler Kundenservice zu einem guten Betriebsergebnis beiträgt und dass kulantes Verhalten gegenüber...
El Tucano Tunico decide abandonar el bosque y conocer a toda la región amazônica.Veja la fiesta de Parintins, Manaus, la reunión del río Amazonas y el mar, los indios y más....
Finnian, the Abbott of Moville, went southwards and eastwards in great haste. News had come to him in Donegal that there were yet people in his own province who believed in gods...