No Rio, carnaval é o ano inteiro, e Aydano André Motta conta os bastidores das escolas de samba e a programação nas quadras da cidade, com muito bom humor e descontração.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) foi um escritor, ensaísta, poeta e filósofo norte-americano. Um dos fundadores do movimento cultural denominado Transcendentalismo, Emerson...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Tact by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 22, 2012.Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American...
Nature is a short essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson published anonymously in 1836. It is in this essay that the foundation of transcendentalism is put forth, a belief system that...
Coletânea de poesias de Waldo mota, escritas durante os anos 2010 até 2023. Waldo reafirma sua visão de escrita poética como uma manifestação de intervenção no mundo. A...
A series of biographical lectures originally published in 1850. Each chapter is a philosophical treatment of the life of an intellectual. The six representatives are Plato,...
LibriVox volunteers bring you 28 different recordings of The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of September 2, 2007.
To celebrate Earth Day, LibriVox volunteers bring you six different recordings of The Rhodora, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of April...
The Transcendentalist is considered most of his important essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson.Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1821, he took...
The E-book Zephyrus: The Intermissive Paraidentity of Waldo Vieira aims to present and analyse the evolutionary trajectory of the researcher Waldo Vieira (1932 - 2014), medical...