

In this podcast, I share how I hit emotional threshold and changed my life! We all cope with emotions in different ways. An emotional threshold is the tipping point at which we perceive a stimulus, threatening or not, and act on it. Depending on the situation, sometimes we have the ability to effectively manage our emotions and make rational decisions, while other times our emotions overpower us, which end up dictating our decisions. If you want to master your life, learning how to express, experience, and regulate your emotions needs to be at the top of your list. Many people are victims to their emotions and believe that they have no control over how they feel. I used to adopt this scarcity mentality, but once I realized that only I am in control of my choices, I hit emotional threshold and changed my life! Most people cover things up because they don’t want to face the reality of their lives, and they make it acceptable to settle. If you can get to the truth, you can change anything. If you want to have