

In this podcast, I would like to answer a question that someone sent me recently on Snapchat regarding how to make $100,000 in a year. The amount of money that you make in your life right now, is in direct proportion to the amount of value that you are adding to your employer, company, marketplace, or business. If you want to make more money, ask yourself, “What are the skills and qualities that I need to develop in order to be deemed valuable, and what value do I need to contribute to others’ lives in order to make $100,000 in a year?” At the age of 17, I became obsessed with the world of self-development. I started reading a lot of books, which led me to attend seminars and workshops, which then led me to buy online training programs, which then led me to hiring coaches and mentors to further support my growth. I have been rinsing and repeating this process for the last 13 years of my life. This is how I became a multi-millionaire. I am constantly learning and growing. Last month alone, I attended four d