

In this podcast I talk about the master versus the dabbler mentality. I believe that mastery is the path to living an extraordinary life. If you look at the most successful, happy and fulfilled people in the world, they are masters. A dabbler is somebody that starts something but they never finish it, whether that’s a business, a goal, a course, or a relationship. They love the initial excitement and rush of starting something new. When the dabbler hits a plateau and they get challenged, they jump ship. They move onto something else because the initial newness has worn off. Sure enough, they repeat the same cycle, again and again. The master is somebody that commits to everything. If they cant find the way, they make the way. There is no plan B. They burn the boat, so they have to take the island, and they understand that there is a process to everything. They view a plateau as an opportunity to grow and find a new answer. Bruce Lee once said, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once,