

I recently received a question from someone, asking "How do you deal with criticism and negativity?" Great question. I believe we're all subject to criticism and negativity from time to time. This is especially true if you're someone that's more in the spotlight and have put yourself in a position where you're being viewed by millions of people. I've faced my fair share of criticism in my lifetime. Formerly being a shy young man, I was always a target for criticism from others and was constantly made fun of. People saw me as an "easy target" and often would poke jabs at me to elevate their status. On my journey of self-improvement, I worked hard to improve my confidence and social skills. This required putting myself out there, meeting random strangers, approaching women and as a result, dealing with massive rejection. And even further, being a YouTube personality and blogger, I'm even more susceptible to criticism and negativity as I am now in the public spotlight