The Saas Revolution Show

How to Recession-Proof Your SaaS: 3 Keys to Surviving Just About Any Economic Downturn



From the SaaStock 2022 Bootstrap Stage: Asia Orangio, Founder & CEO DemandMaven, discusses how to recession-proof your SaaS: 3 keys to surviving just about any economic downturn You've seen tweets about it, deep-dives on Reddit, and possibly even a few segments on live TV if you've been particularly daring. It's all of the recession-talk, the debates about if it's real or imagined, and the never-ending advice on what to do. This leaves an early-stage SaaS founder thinking: do I need to be worried, and what do I most need to pay attention to? In this session, I'll breakdown the 3 keys to reducing your exposure to just about any economic event and recession-proofing your SaaS in this quick blitz through research, a few key data points, and a real-life story.