Distraction Pieces Podcast With Scroobius Pip

Films Of The Year 2022 • Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip #493



Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip!Prepare your snacks accordingly (preferably quiet ones) as Pip runs you through his FILMS OF THE YEAR 2022!Happy and prosperous new years to you all! All of us here at Distraction Pieces wish you a wonderful year ahead in all of your endeavours. Here's hoping for a positive one in 2023. As tradition dictates, here is Pip to deliver his timely rundown of all of the films he saw in 2022, broken down into a criteria of which he will explain, and with clear parameters and boundaries so all is fair and equal. One thing to point out, as is always necessary with the film lists, is that this list is not your list. When Pip mentions a film he loved, the mention of that film does not magically erase the films you loved, nor shuffle the order around of your own lists (mental or physical). So YES your choices may be different but NO your opinions are still valid. But this is not grounds for debate. This is a perfect chance to start 2023 with a