Spiritpreneur School: Spiritual Business For Entrepreneurs

A Prayer Meditation Ritual for Letting Go - Hoponopono - Audio



UnblockMyEnergy.com | An Ancient Ritual for Letting Go - Hoponopono and Forgiveness 1. You will be doing this ritual / prayer / mantra aimed at the person you wrote the letter to yesterday. 2. You will also be doing this forgiveness mantra aimed YOURSELF. Most often, the person we need to forgive the most is ourselves. The words in the mantra are: I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. From the Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love Forgiveness with Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono is the traditional Hawaiian practice of seeking forgiveness and attempting to remove ego from the process of reconciliation. The mantra, repeated to another party or as a prayer, follows different versions of: “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” When you’re having a hard time forgiving, remind yourself of your own follies, foibles, mistakes, and missteps. Drop the judgment and self-righteousness because none of us is perfect. Remember why you were close to the person to begin with. Whatever your spiri