Lighting The Pipes

LTP Selects: The Creeping Man (1923)



When old age hands you lemons... it's time to take monkey gland injections from a quack Czech doctor! Or, at least, that's what Professor Presbury might have once suggested. This curious tale is as close as Conan Doyle ever gets to showcasing the hardships of graceful aging to the love-struck pensioner. Yes, "The Adventure of the Creeping Man" is full of crazy moments but it is not bereft of relevance: anti-aging creams, experimental diets, airbrushed photographs... how many of us wish for greater powers of attraction and vitality? Presbury might be an unhinged "monkey man" but his actions hold an awkward mirror up to ourselves. We had a fun time talking over this tale back in September of 2018 and are excited to revive it now for our Summer series!