Blessed + Bossed Up

194: How to Not Lose Faith When You’re Hurting pt. 2



About this episode:  In this week’s episode, Tatum  continues the discussion on how to not lose faith when you are hurting  Time Stamps: 12:29: Point 4- Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 14:30 - One of the keys to overcoming to emotional hurt is to make sure you are constantly fixing your thoughts  22:54 - Do whatever you need to to fix your thoughts !  23:22 - God will direct your steps. 23:39 - Point 3 - Watch your words  27:20 - God is still God  28:21 - No matter what you are going there always gind God. 28:30 - There is always a testimony  at the end of a test  28:36 - God is always there  Church announcements: FREE WEBINAR! Back to Basics: Revamping Your Podcast Foundation to Increase Profitability Some items we will discuss are: How to create products and services your listeners want The back en