Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

380 - Optimizing My Efforts in 2023



"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."  - Albert Einstein For WHAT are you Optimizing in 2023? NOT, what are your goals but rather what is  the means to achieving those goals. Focus on THAT and the path to the desired outcome will appear. I am optimizing for clarity. Clarity of vision and purpose to guide me through a difficult transition.  Optimizing for clarity I suggest, will help me focus differently on exercising my curiosity and imagination effectively. I will continuously build questions and inquiries to fuel clarity. Questions like: what am I seeing? What am I missing in this picture? Who might be able to share a perspective that will increase my view?  Join me on the journey, NOT on my path but your own. I will hold space for you while you explore for what you need to optimize and how. This is the focus of my coaching practice. I welcome a chance to chat with you about how I can help. Walk with me:      Take the GRIT Scale and see wh