Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 458 The Best Way To Start 2023



How should you start out the year? We often write down resolutions that we want to accomplish, but they quickly fizzle out over the next couple of weeks. Today, Dr. Bray shares a few ways to change your life this year in a way that you may never have been able to. These research based ideas will bring meaning, fulfillment, and joy to your life. But be warned! It will also sting a bit when I tell you what is required. But it is well worth it! That is what we are talking about today on the Dr. CK Bray show. Future and Self Authoring Program: QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Materialism will always leave you bereft of meaning.” “Social media breeds mediocrity.” “You have to be precise in what you want to look like; you can’t hit a target unless you aim at it!” “That which you fear most is your day’s duty.” “Failures; the year will be full of them. Successes; the year will be full of them. You just need small wins every day!”