

On today’s show, Mark interview Joe De Sena, creator of the Spartan Races (16:41). Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment with Rooster and the Ranch story (52:12). They wrap with the Tip of the Week which is -- get off your mobile devices all the time (1:06:17). They talk to Joe about his childhood, Goodfellas, a lucrative pool business, vouching, Donnie Brasco, changing your frame of reference, Sparta!!, Via Negativa, black soup, running out of food, making kids work, Pink Panther, and enjoying kids and travel. Before they talk to Joe, Mark and Rick discuss going back to school and the day Mark is going to die, coming up soon. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes!  STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Spartan Up Spartan Fit @SimplyHuman52 = Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, Periscope The Primal Professional Shoes Simply Human Reset SH Reset Testimonials The Simply Human Kids page The Simply Human MOMS page The Simply Hu