

On today’s show Rick and Mark interview Kate Galliett about the hips. Then it’s another moderately funny edition of the Humans Being Human segment and some stories about bathrooming in places you probably shouldn’t. We wrap with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- everything you do doesn’t have to have a point. Do fun stuff just because! They talk to Kate about sitting criss cross apple sauce, gymnastics, hip external rotation, the deep 6, SI joint pain, running on a treadmill, tension relationships, upstream and downstream, side planks, things you can do to strengthen your deep 6, changing positions throughout the day, and doing mobility every day. Before they talk to Kate, Rick and Mark discuss Mark’s obsessive personality, changes in weather, and why Mark deleted facebook from his phone. Thanks for listening! Leave us a review on iTunes to enter in the Simply Human T-shirt Giveawayathon! STUFF WE TALK ABOUT: Video Kate made for us Conan dance Guy Pooping on Sidewalk Simply Human