Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 308 - How My In-Laws (The Chavda’s) Lost 60+KG Combined



My in-laws have lost 60kg+ combined. It started with Chetan in Oct 2020, when he found out he was going to be a dad. Having slowly gained weight for years, he knew he needed to change his lifestyle if he wanted to be the best dad for his son.   6 months later he was 25kg down, and he’s kept it off since. The ripple effect spread to his wife Pooja, who after gaining weight pre + post pregnancy, hated what she saw in the mirror. Low in confidence, energy and losing her identity, she wanted to make a change. This was Oct 2021. A year later she’s down 25+kg with a few more to go to hit her goal.   The dominos continued to fall, next with my mother-in-law, Ella. With arthritis and cholesterol concerns, I gifted her RNT for her 60th this year. And just before Xmas, she said, “by the way guys, I’ve hit my checkpoint!”    Losing 10kg, she now has the energy to run around (endlessly!) with her grandson. Her pain in her wrist is gone, and I suspect (tests to confirm soon), her cholesterol is under control. She’s also t