Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 079: Bill D'Alessandro Founder and CEO of Element Brands



Today on the Charlotte Angel Connection, we are fortunate to have Bill D'Alessandro join us. Bill is the founder and CEO of Elements Brands which is a consumer products company he started while he was in Colorado and brought back to Charlotte to grow and evolve. Bill wants to make Elements Brands the home for consumer products companies. By 2025, Elements Brands wants to be in a place where they are doing 12 acquisitions per year. By 2050, they want to be the Proctor and Gamble of consumer product businesses. Those aren't small goals. And Bill isn't going to back down from them. Bill raised money in 2016 when he made the decision to go for it and really work to growing to a large company.  He used a great quote from a friend of his when talking about his decision - "you can only coast downhill."  He raised money from a small group of 5 investors who also serve on his board.  He didn't want to raise institutional capital because of the typical demands that comes with that type of money.  Instead Bill - not