Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 068: Seth Twery, a successful corporate life leads to angel investing and entrepreneurship



Last week, we spent time with Seth Twery - who led a successful corporate career prior to leaving in 2011 to seek “growth opportunities.” Can you execute?  That’s the thing Seth sees being the reason behind success of a startup team.  He cites the fact that IDEA Fund looks at over 1,000 ideas per year, more than a few with overlap.  If there are that many ideas in the NC region (and further) then how many ideas are being incubated across the US and the world?  If you can’t execute against that type of volume and competition it is highly unlikely the founding group is going to create success. We also continue discussing the opportunity ahead of Seth as he is about to start his new role with Tookitaki – the Singapore based company looking to use Artificial Intelligence to solve.  Fortunately for Charlotte, we learn they are looking to hire a development/technical team here. From there, we transition into a discussion on early stage investing and Charlotte.  Here Seth thinks out loud about the investing and e