Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 291: Best of 2022 - Phyllis Newhouse - Leading With Power



This episode was another of our most popular, and most listened to, episodes in 2022.   Phyllis Newhouse has quite the resume. She is the first African American woman to lead a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC), the first woman ever to win the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of the Year award in the technology category, she’s on the board of the Women’s Presidents Organization and is a pioneer in business.   She is a retired senior military officer, a CEO, an investor and serial entrepreneur. Phyllis also happens to be a “frientor” to Amy Jo (a friend and mentor).   Phyllis is changing the game and rewriting the business play book, especially for women. One way she does this is with “ROCs,” which stands for Resources, Opportunities and Connections. Phyllis generously gives these out all day every day. Amy Jo has personally been a beneficiary, as Phyllis has opened many doors for her.   In this wide-ranging conversation, Amy Jo and Phyllis talk about business, their relationship with money, how Phyllis