Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0316 - The Difference between Mindfulness and Visualization



Ashley and I have been doing quite a few workshops centered around what psychological strength is and what the components are that make it up. And, there's one component that consistently generates more confusion and questions than any other. That topic is mindfulness. The skill of mindfulness sits at the center of our wheel of psychological strength, and it's the core of psych strength for a reason. You need strong mindfulness skills to develop skills in all of the other areas. Your relationship with your thoughts relies on mindfulness. Mindfulness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. It impacts your relationships, your sense of self, it interacts with your habits and behavior and is an important component in life design. It really is the core of psych strength. However, it frequently gets confused with other similar skills and techniques. Specifically, visualization. In today's episode, I want to dig into these two concepts: Mindfulness and visualization to give you a solid understanding