Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0207 | How to Avoid Feeling like a Failure When Your Plate is too Full



Sometimes, the amount of work and responsibilities we have on our plates is just too much. Between work, caring for others, taking care of our homes and physical space, and attempting to squeeze in a little bit of self-care, it can all feel overwhelming.  But, what if you could approach it with an entirely different philosophy?  What if you truly understood and believed that your space did not have to look perfectly put-together?  What if you realized that you don’t exist to serve your space and make it look perfect, but rather, your space exists to serve you?  What if you realized that the chores, or better yet, the care tasks, you do around your home are simply functional tasks. Doing them well, or not so well, perfectly, or incompletely, does not say anything about you as a person and your worth or value.  What if you dropped all the guilt and shame about it and allowed yourself to simply do only what absolutely needed to be done?  Enter KC Davis. I encountered KC Davis on TikTok, and I was instantly struc