Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0197 | The Value of Feeling Painful Emotions



Anger. Sadness. Guilt. Embarrassment. Shame. Resentment. These are all painful emotions that most of us don’t enjoy feeling.  They can be so difficult to bear that, many times, we work at all costs to avoid them. We fall prey to the “Good Vibes Only” Instagram posts that tell us to pretend we’re happy all the time.  It’s not possible to be happy all of the time.  In fact, it’s not even GOOD FOR YOU to be happy all of the time.  In this episode, we’re diving into the more painful, difficult side of our emotional experience. We’re wading through the complexity of our more unpleasant emotions to talk about the valuable role they play in our lives.  Specifically, we’ll talk about 4 important things your painful emotions do for you.   We’re all human beings, which means we’re complicated little animals. We have big, emotionally-expressive lives, and that’s a GOOD THING! That’s what we’re digging into this week.  Toward the end, we give you a framework for thinking about your unpleasant emotions when you experience