Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0187 | The Committee in Your Mind (Part 1)



This is a special episode of the podcast. It’s actually the first part of a 2-part series we’re doing to dive into one of the most foundational principles of psychological strength. Specifically, the inner chatter of the committee in your mind.  What is the committee in your mind? It’s the set of voices that chatter on a near-constant basis and have something to say and a judgement about every situation you find yourself in. It’s the set of mental patterns you’ve developed over time that leads you to over-function, be self-critical, and ignore your own needs. It’s the set of voices that leads you to suffer unnecessarily.  It’s time to recognize them and begin to disobey them.  During this first part of this series, we introduce you to a set of unhelpful committee members who show up involuntarily. They permeate nearly every moment of our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.    We’ll walk you through who each committee member is, how to recognize them, and at the end, we’ll walk you throug