Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0169 | Psychological Strength for Our Front-Line Healthcare Workers



This episode was created for and is dedicated to our front-line healthcare workers.    The responsibility you are being asked to shoulder amidst a time of incredible uncertainty and rapid change is overwhelming. We see you. We see the sacrifice you’re making. We can attempt to empathize with the emotional toll this must all be taking.    When you play such an important role supporting others, it’s important that others support you. We support you.  This week, I’m speaking with Lisa Wimberger, the founder of the Neuroscultping Institute. Lisa created neurosculpting using a combination of meditation and brain science to develop a hands-on technique that can reset and retrain your brain and your nervous system to down-regulate during times of stress.  She originally created neurosculpting in 2007 to help first-responders cope with the incredible intensity of their jobs. Too many first-responders suffer emotional trauma and PTSD from simply doing their jobs, and the neurosculpting technique can help gu