Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

The Rapture of Your Full Life Experience with Stephanie Raffelock



Some of you might know that I recently turned 40! Beyond the typical celebration, cake, and candles that come with any birthday, something stood out as unique about this one.  The reactions of people around me when I told them the age I was turning.  Some people were very positive. They wished me a “happy birthday,” and that was the end of it.  But many people seemed conflicted about the number 40. Their reactions felt as though they knew that the number 40 means something for woman. An indication that I was growing old…and all that comes with that in our society.  We’re digging right into the heart of that topic in this week’s episode with Stephanie Raffelock. Stephanie is an advocate for the positive potential of aging. She proves that women aren’t finished living their best lives at 50, 60 and beyond, but instead, hold to the promise to become the wise elders of our culture. Stephanie celebrates age and shows how it’s a privilege to grow old -- how every single day is a gift.   We talk about some powerful