Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0125 | How One Mom Quit her 9-5 and How You Can Too with Michelle Evans



So many people secretly hold the goal of leaving their 9-5 job to work for themselves, but the leap from traditional employment to an entrepreneurial gig can feel so big and scary! This week’s guest is going to put it into perspective for you in a way that no one else really does. This week, you’re going to meet Michelle Evans! Michelle is an entrepreneur in the online marketing space who helps other companies steadily attract new clients through online marketing funnels. What’s amazing about this interview though is the approach Michelle took toward becoming an entrepreneur. It is NOT the slash and burn, abruptly quit your job one day sort of story. Rather, Michelle worked with a career coach, got to know herself really well, then began creating her dream job alongside her 9-5 job. This allowed her to build her business without the pressure of making it sustain her for all of her financial needs. What a different perspective than what you typically hear, huh?! Here’s what we dig into: Alignment to your val