Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0089 | It’s Never Too Late to Design the Life of Your (Halcyon) Dreams with Jessica Dawson



The barriers you believe stand in the way of you going after your dreams are merely untested assumptions. BOOM. That was my massive take-away from this week’s podcast interview with Jessica Dawson, otherwise known as Halcyon Dreams. Let that sink in for a second. ' You’re not moving forward because you think other people will judge you? That’s just an untested assumption. You don’t know what other people are going to think (nor should you care, btw). You’re not moving forward because you think some aspect is going to be too hard to learn? Another untested assumption. This week, as you listen to my interview with Jessica, I urge you to bring forward that big goal you have filed away in the back corners of your mind. Think about the barriers that you believe are standing in your way. Then, ask yourself this: How many of those barriers are simply untested assumptions? Then go one question further: What am I missing out on by assuming I’m going to fail? This week, you’ll be inspired by Jessica’s story of rein