Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0084 | The Beauty of Imperfection with Nicole Hogan



How many hats do you wear on a daily basis? How much responsibility do you shoulder as a result? Do you find yourself rushing from task to task, feeling harried, stressed, and stretched thin as you attempt to get it all done? So many of us feel this way. We strive to perfectly get everything done, and as a result, we run ourselves ragged. But, let me ask you this: What are you missing out on because of it? What if you’re missing out on the small, truly meaningful moments that happen each day? Moments with your family. Moments in nature. Moments when you’re alone. We each only get 1 life, and those small, meaningful moments are the ones that truly make us feel alive. Yet, we rush past them without giving them the attention they deserve, because we have no attention left to give after we’ve given all of it away to the million tasks we try to single-handedly accomplish on a daily basis. In this week’s episode, I’m urging you to rebalance. This week, you will meet a woman who reached her breaking point within her