Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0082 | Permission to Know, Be, and Do You with Stephanie Pierce



Is this all there is? How many of you have examined your life and asked yourself that exact question? Be honest. The thing is, many of us shared at least some of the following life goals: Graduate from college Score a great job & start climbing the corporate ladder Get married Buy a house Have a/some kid(s) Maybe you didn’t have all of those goals, but you certainly had your own list. And, after we achieved our list of goals, many of us found ourselves looking around wondering, is that it? Is there no more to life? So many of us can easily fall into that trap of thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” but the thing is, many times, it’s the journey that makes us happy. It’s the feeling that we have something we’re striving for. It’s the passion that comes from working toward something meaningful. This week, we’re talking about that very topic. As it turns out, we never stop searching for meaning in our lives. As soon as we achieve a goal, many times, we feel the void open because, we never lose the urg