Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0068 | Network Like an Expert! with Jennifer Kroiss



 Let's be honest. For so many of us, the mere idea of networking makes us curl up our lip in revolt.  The idea of milling around in a room, full of people wearing "Hello, my name is..." name tags, trying to muster up the confidence to had your business card to the V.P. of So-and-So who is standing across the room. If we're being really honest, that sense of dread arises because we're so focused on what we can get out of the situation. This week's guest asks you to flip the script. Rather than thinking about networking as a way to get something, she suggests approaching it as a way to give something. As a way to cultivate real, authentic connections. Imagine that. Jennifer Kroiss is a networking expert, and an entrepreneurial business coach. During our conversation, we hit on so many amazing topics, including: How to approach networking from a place of service. Asking yourself, "How can I be of value to this person?" rather than, "What can I get out of this person?" We