Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus

10 Sentences to Change Your Life – Romans 6:23



“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”We are in week six of our “10 Sentences to Change your Life” Series. Today, Pastor Zach takes us through Romans 6:23 and focuses our eyes on three aspects of truth: the truth about death, the truth about us, and the truth about God.As Christians, we know that death was never the original plan for us. And we reflect on the truth of who we are (sinners) and who God is (Savior), we can better understand God’s love and fight the lies that wage war in our minds. As we look to Jesus ’life, death, and resurrection, we can see what a life of trust in God truly looks like.The wage of our sins is death, but through Jesus, our debt is repaid, and we are given the gift of grace in its place.Our challenge this week is to practice thankfulness and gratitude. As Pastor Zach says, faithfulness moves forward by looking backward. What can you be thankful for today? How can reflecting on the truth about death, us, and who God is, spur