Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Apple Watch Six Vs Budget Atria Alternative



Apple came out with version six of their watch with a new feature of measuring your blood oxygen level. Do we need this?What is it?It measures how much oxygen is in your blood.What Happens If We Have Lox Oxygen Levels?Low levels may be the result of a lung disease such as severe COPD that inhibits oxygen flow, or it could indicate there is carbon monoxide in the air, which the body will mistakenly use to replace oxygen.It can be symptoms of:Having a low blood oxygen level (hypoxemia) can present a number of problems. Symptoms can include a blue tint to the lips, skin or fingernails, chest pains, confusion, coughing, disorientation, headache, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and wheezing. Many of these signs of hypoxemia can also be symptoms of COPD and other pulmonary issues, so it is essential that if you struggle with breathing or heart problems, you pay close attention to your symptoms. Any increase may mean that you are not getting sufficient oxygen.Conclusion - Not So Fast:Yes, it is new and shiny. A