Logical Weight Loss Podcast

The Bank of Fitness - Compound Choices



I am again inspired by the book Chasing Cupcakes. It's one of my favorite books. It had a really good part about setting expectations and pushing one when you want to quit.July 4th Set My BackThere was pie and a 3 lb weight gain. I was like, "WHAY?!?" but there it was. This undid about two weeks worth of focusing on weight loss. All gone in one day. It seems weight loss is so hard.Think of Weight Loss Like a BankHow do you save money? One dollar at a time. There is an article that explains taking a penny that doubles every day or a million dollars now. You want to take the penny. (see article) .You don't wake up some day and go "Wow, I'm rich." You've worked at it over time, and made good choices.In the same way one workout does not make you fit. One healthy meal does not mean you're going to drop lbs tomorrow. You are putting deposits into the bank of fitness and over time with consistent deposits, that compound over time (improving your muscles which burn more calories) e