Logical Weight Loss Podcast

First Impressions of DDP Yoga



  Weigh In I weighed in at 226.6 on May 11th. Today I'm weighing in a 228.6 which is somewhat frustrating. Typically I have some really good days and other days where I go over 2000 calories. So I've been inching my way back up, and that's why I decided to try something new.  How Did Adelle Lose Weight According to her trainer, "She has been doing three things: Eating a balanced and inclusive diet. Going outside your comfort zone with a regular exercise routine. Getting restful sleep to allow your body and mind to recover. Ultimately, he said, you need to be patient. Dynamic Resistance and Yoga So I've heard about Yoga, and if you take the mediation part out I just wanted the exercise. I found that in an online program from an ex-professional wrestler call DDP Yoga. The guy's name is Diamond Dallas Paige and he suffered an injury in his back and used Yoga to get back in shape. While he is very much a "dude" this can be used by anyone.  In simple terms, it's like flexing all