Logical Weight Loss Podcast

If Your Life Was a Movie...



Fun in the Utah Sun I have a pretty bad fear of heights, and I have sun poisoning. However with a little planning, and some help from a friend I was able to go hiking in Utah. It was a lot of fun, and the scenery was beautiful.   I had some great conversation with my guide Elikgiute from the Travel Gluten Free Podcast. I asked the question,  "If someone was making a movie of your life, what would this time in your life be called? for me I had a childhood, Jr High was awful. Then I had the 20's and alcohol. I had the 30s being a musician, and being married. My forties were marriage #2. Now that I'm in my fifites I've had some great experiences, but when I looked around some of my actions seem to indicate that I may be roping myself off from life and support.  If I don't clean my apartment than people can't come over. If people don't come over I'm more likely to feel alone.  If I take on more and more projects, then I don't have time for family and any kind of support (or in