Logical Weight Loss Podcast

He Lost 70 lbs and Has Kept if Off For Four Years



I got an email. In it stated: 4 years ago, I weighed over 275 lbs. I was depressed and addicted to video games. I played more than 12 hours of games per day. Fortunately, I lost over 70 lbs and I've kept the weight off for 4 years. More importantly, I transformed not only my physical health but my emotional and mental health too. I'm at that stage where I wanna share my experience with others who wanna make the same “health gains” that I did. So I invited Danyon Toniga on to the show to share his story. Some of the keys to his success: Do what you love. If you make it a chore, you'll never do it. Drink water before the meal and eat healthy first, then have a taste of the junk food If you can't do a taste, then plan it ahead of time and work it into your schedule, but keep that calorie deficit. Danyon uses the scale, but more importantly how he feels as a gauge of his success. Mentioned in This Episode Check out his YouTube Channel His article with all of his tips is at http://www.healthvi.org/