Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Some Things Never Change



For me, the holidays are over (due to my brother going out of town for the holidays. This means yesterday I had the ham, the green beans, and yes, there were cookies.  With no surprise, when I stepped on the scale it went the wrong way. So I did a deep dive into my data in myfitnesspal.com (I've used Loseit! in the past and many others, they all do the same thing, I liked myfitnesspal, but use whatever works for you). In looking at the data I could CLEARLY see that when:   I eat 2100 calories (or less) in a day Exercises (in any fashion) for an hour Drink between 64-80 oz of water Get seven hours of sleep I lose weight. It is that simple. It's just not that easy. So How to Restart? Let's look at walking. You used to walk, and then you stopped. How would you start again? By taking that first step.  So for me, that means starting the day on my exercise bike, drinking 20 oz of water, getting in the shower and feeling like I was headed in the right direction.  Other things I might d