Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Busting the 21 Days to Create a Habit Myth



We've all heard in the past that it takes 21 days to bust a habit. It turns out that is a fable of the Internet that just kept getting repeated. Join the DietBet and Hurdle the Holidays Put in $20, and if you lose 4% of your weight when it starts (October 31, 2018) you get to share the pot with everyone who achieved their 4% goal (it's not as easy at sounds). For more information go to wwww.logicalloss.com/dietbet It Only Takes 21 Days to Create a Habit??? If you've ever heard that it only takes 21 days to develop a habit, it turns out that has been exaggerated, and misinterpreted by the Internet over the years (and if you repeat something over and lover long enough, people think it's true Now, however, there is some psychological research on this question in a paper recently published in the European Journal of Social Psychology. Phillippa Lally and colleagues from University College London recruited 96 people who were interested in forming a new habit such as eating a piece of fruit with lun