Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Consistency and Willpower



I've been listening to the Book Willpower Doesn't Work - Discover the hidden keys to Success by Benjamin Hardy. At first, the book was a bit too dry, but I'm into chapter fice now and it's making more sense. The bottom line is if we create a plan where we will just have to "hunker down" or " Suck it up" and that is the one strategy we are going to heavily lean upon, we are setting ourselves up to fail. I went the movies last weekend to see Ready Player One. While I'm not a gamer, I am a child of the 80's and the movie was good. What wasn't good is my friend buying popcorn. I'm supposed to be avoiding corn at all costs. My two biggest weakness when it comes to food? Popcorn, Ice cream, and if I had to pick a third, Pizza. I told myself going in, I was going to be OK. I ate a protein bar before I went to the movies. While I didn't eat half a bucket like I did previously, I did have a handful or three. While you can say, "Well you should've hunkered dow