Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Are you REALLY Being HONEST With Yourself?



Listen to the show at www.logicalloss.com/348 Thanks to "the Kims" who left some kick butt comments last week, and basically saying they encourage me to keep trying, but maybe Advocare is not the best way to go. In the end its Food, Water, Sleep, and Activity that lead to weight loss.  So I said I was going back to what I use to do. Then I had to take a look at what I am doing now and compare it to what I was doing when I lost weight. Sure, I eat a lot of chicken and vegetables, but if I REALLY look at what I do, some things have crept in.  I went MONTHS without Fast food, and now I was eating Fast Food two times a month. Now I might say, "Well, it's only two, but the bottom line is, I DIDN'T DO THIS AT ALL  when I was losing weight. Once a quarter I was now eating ice cream. This never happened when I was losing weight. I was being more active. While I'm not as concerned at getting 10,000 steps (as I'm looking more into weight lifting), that turned into not doing much of either