Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Do Fitbits Really Help? - My New Air Fryer The NuWave Brio Air Fryer



This week I didn't get to my weight lifting, I go all my steps in (more on that later) but I'm up .4 lbs. I'm not going to cry over that, but I need to get back to the gym. While you can't exercise yourself out of a diet, I want to continue with my weight lifting.  Do Fitbits Realy Motivate People? There is a study from Harvard about using Fitbits (or any activity trackers). They had a number of groups: use of a Fitbit Zip, a popular clip-on activity tracker (with payment of $3/week to continue in the study regardless of the number of steps taken) a Fitbit plus a cash incentive ($11 for taking 50,000 to 70,000 steps each week, or $22 for more than 70,000 steps/week) a Fitbit plus a payment to a charity (which was larger with increased activity) a control group that did not use an activity tracker; this group also received the $3/week for participation regardless of activity levels. In the end, the group that got good old hard CASH was more motivated.  Other reports show when you work activit