Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Are You Being Honest With Yourself?



I lost thirty pounds last year, and while it's taken me months to do this, I've now found 20 of those pounds and stuck them right on my belly. When I went over 215, I really scratched my head. I was still drinking lots of water, getting 7 hours of sleep most nights, and eating vegetables, chicken, etc (most of the time). You Don't Age Most of the Time - You Age a Little Every Day So I thought about my year when I lost weight, and I thought about the number of times I ate fast food. I would say less than once a month, and if I did skipped the fries and the coke and got a chicken sandwich with water. Now I probably get fast food twice a month, and it's the whole nine years. I've said it before when you do the wrong thing you are practicing at it. This practice started with getting an egg McMuffin with water. That lead to getting an Egg McMuffin with hash browns (and I'm not sure why as their hash browns are basically a deep-fried grease sponge). That lead to getting a coke with the meal.